Understanding Dysplastic Mole Difficulties


If you have made an appointment with a dermatologist to have several moles, or nevi, checked on your body, then you may hear your doctor talking about a dysplastic nevus. Keep reading to understand what this term means and also to understand what your doctor may want to do about it.

What Is A Dysplastic Nevus?

The term dysplastic is used to describe a mole that is different than a normal mole. Doctors sometimes call them atypical or abnormal as well. Basically, the mole is one that is bigger than usual or that has a darker color or an uneven border. These moles are ones that are most likely to become cancerous over time.

Dysplastic moles may be several colors that range in tone from brown or beige to pink. The edge may appear jagged, or you may see a nevi edge that seems to spread out instead of stopping completely. Sometimes, the moles may look a lot like fried eggs with a raised area in the center and a flatter part around the edge. 

If dyspastic moles are noted on the skin, then your dermatologist will likely inspect the moles carefully and also count them. The larger number of abnormal moles that are seen, the greater chance that you may develop melanoma in your future. 

What Happens If You Have The Moles?

If you have the abnormal moles, then they will typically be watched quite closely over time. The nevi will be measured and possibly described briefly in regards to their color, shape, and the edge of the growth. This way your dermatologist will be able to determine whether or not the moles have changed in appearance over time. You will also be asked to look for changes like abrupt darkening or the increase in the size of the spot. 

The moles will usually be left alone unless their appearance does change. If this happens, then a mole removal will typically be completed. The tissue will be tested for signs of precancerous or cancerous cells. If cancer is noted, then further testing may be needed to see if cancer has developed in your lymph nodes. Treatments may then be needed to treat a cancerous condition.

If cancer is not found, then your doctor may discuss with you the ways that your moles, and your skin in general, can be protected from future cancer scares. For example, sunscreen may be suggested. 

To learn more, contact a dermatologist at a medical center like Associated Skin Care Specialists.


26 April 2017

 Grow Old Gracefully with the Help of a Dermatologist

While I wasn't fond the reason I had to visit a dermatologist when I was a teenager (I had severe acne that she helped me manage), I feel lucky to have had the experience of visiting a dermatologist and learning just what they can do to help me have great-looking skin. I wasn't happy when I got my first wrinkle at about 30; my acne had just cleared up, and I wanted to enjoy having skin I finally loved for at least a few years! With a little more help from my dermatologist, I am now in my 50s, and many people think I am much younger than I am due to the amazing anti-aging treatments my dermatologist gives me. I want to teach what I have learned about skincare to others who need the advice, so please come back often for new skincare tips!